Friday, March 18, 2011

NEW!! Traffic Tidalwave System - Launching Soon!

Nowadays the search engines are not as relevant as they used to be. Now we have Facebook and Twitter and a whole new set of rules and "no-no's" and while we're still trying to satisfy the search engines we find ourselves also trying to keep ahead of the curve - to stay in the forefront of the NEW internet instead of constantly playing catch-up.

But some things never change. Whether we're talking about the business models of the past, or the new realities of the present, one thing is certain. If we don't have TRAFFIC, we don't have a business.

We can have the best websites, the most exciting products, services and concepts, but if no-one sees them there are no sales. 

Traffic is KING!

So . . .

Our job then is to build so much traffic that we're overwhelmed. We want to build such a tidalwave of traffic that we can quit our day jobs and never have to think of promoting our websites again.

So where do we start?

When I first heard about Traffic Exchanges I must admit that I ignored them entirely. I just didn't want to be bothered surfing the web and reading emails. Guess what?  I still don't.  But Traffic Exchanges are very different from the old days.

Enter this new Affiliate Traffic Program, The Traffic Tidalwave System which spells out in detail how tocreate an ongoing stream of traffic to any of your websites and in the process build an enormous and ever-growing downline of affiliates feeding you extra money  - and it will continue to operate passively while you go about doing all the things you enjoy - . . . indefinitely!

For more information go to

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Traffic Exchanges Really ARE a Great Promotional Tool

 Traffic Exchanges have been around forever and I must admit that years ago, after a very brief foray into surfing, I found it boring and not very lucrative - so for a long time I ignored them entirely. It's only been recently that I've gotten interested in them again and suddenly I see a LOT more potential. For one thing they have changed dramatically. The article below gives a pretty clear overview.

      . . . .  June

How Traffic Exchange Sites Work

by Christian Nilsson

A traffic exchange is a site where you can get new visitors to your web site in exchange for viewing the sites of other members. There are many hundreds of traffic exchange sites on the internet and finding the ones that are good can be difficult. There are two types of traffic exchanges, manual surfing and auto surfing. Most sites are either a manual or a auto traffic exchange, but some have both options.

Auto surfing: These kinds of sites requires no clicking but some require the browser to be maximized. However, on many sites you can minimize the window, allowing you to do whatever you like while earning credits in the background. The traffic from these kinds of sites is not very good, but they can give your site a lot of page views.

Manual surfing: These sites requires you to click a button every 6-30 seconds in order to view the next page and earn credits. There are usually some kind of security measure to prevent users from resizing the window too small. To prevent bots, the user is often also required to enter a captcha code regularly while surfing. This means that the surfer is much more likely to see your site on a manual traffic exchange and click through to your site.

Credits: Besides surfing, it is also possible to earn credits in other ways on many traffic exchange sites. On most sites, you can earn credits by referring other members. Sometimes you can earn credits by subscribing to a mailing list. Many sites also have regular competitions of different kinds where you can win more credits.

Buying credits and upgrading your membership: Most traffic exchanges offers membership upgrades which gives you benefits such as increased surf ratio, more credits from your referrals and bonus credits. Another option is to buy credits, you can usually get about 10,000 credits for $50. However, before upgrading or buying credits you should always test the traffic first. Assign a couple of hundred credits to your site and see how it works. You should also try to optimize your splash page before buying credits.
Make small changes and see if the conversion ratio improves. Make sure to get the maximum return on your investment, there is no reason to pay for visitors that don't make you any money.

If you start using traffic exchanges and it doesn't work for you, don't dismiss them completely right away. There are hundreds of other traffic exchange sites and what doesn't work on one site, might work on another. And even if you are unsuccessful, all you have lost is a couple of mouse clicks.

© Christian Nilsson, All rights reserved.
Get free traffic from the best Traffic Exchange Sites.